

H OW TO WRITE SEO Optimized WEB CONTENT: DETAILED PRACTICAL CASE Writing an SEO Optimized web content is an essential skill to be visible, attract qualified visitors and gain customers on the Internet.  How to write web content?  Here is a concrete example, detailed step by step. This article is not an article like any other. I'm going to play the SEO Optimized web writing game by killing two birds with one stone: giving you the best practices to follow while trying to get this article listed on the 1st Google page on the ultra-competitive keyword: how to write web content. Today, while chatting with a client, I found myself faced with a remark that comes up frequently.  SEO experts provide a lot of info on SEO and web content writing, but it's still theory.  Where are the examples? Indeed, my client is right and I think you agree. If you do some research on web writing at our dear friend Google, you will find a bunch of articles presenting bes...

Why invest in digital marketing?

Why invest in digital marketing? The  digital marketing  brings real revolution in the way we grow our business.  SMEs are doing all they can to keep up with changes in the behavior of their customers.  Traditional businesses are changing their business model to strengthen their online business.  At the same time, they are reviewing their overall marketing strategy. Attracting target customers to their website makes all the difference with an inactive online  business.  Getting visitors to your site is the first  step.  Then, you have to transform them into contacts, subscribers, customers.  Digital marketing offers you many tools to capture leads, generate leads and retain your customers.  Among the most profitable internet marketing levers: Natural Referencing   (SEO) Paid SEO E-mailing Content Marketing Social media … These digital strategies offer companies the best opportunities to grow quick...